It is very rewarding for me to observe that the campaign for infection control in healthcare setting initiated by us in January 2005 is gradually gaining momentum. During the initial phase we used to explain the importance of infection control, role of standard precaution and transmission based precautions, safe disposal of hospital wastes and the like to the people involved in health care. In three years things have changed to a great extent. Big corporate hospitals of Dhaka city such as Square, Apollo and United have already initiated infection control practice. Monwara Hospital, BIRDEM and Holy family Red Crescent hospitals are also in the race.
The wheel of momentum is moving faster in privately run healthcare centers. On the other hand some inertia in implementing infection control measures still exists in government sectors. We are eagerly waiting for them to step forward and join the party.
I am extremely grateful to Dr. Ziauddin from Drexel University, USA. He is the main man behind the machine. He initiated the whole campaign with a grant from Drexel University in the form of ‘Oksana Korzeniowski’ fund. Dr. Muhammad M. Zaman from the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, USA is our main resource person. He infused ‘fuel’ to the campaign. I am also grateful to Dr Mashiul Chowdhury, Dr. Reza Chowdhury, Dr. Mohammud M. Alam from USA for their continued support.
Dr. Mohammad Murshed from Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College who is also the General Secretary of ICPPB deserves special thanks for his dynamism and relentless efforts to publish this souvenir. Dr. Md. Shariful Alam Jilani from Ibrahim Medical College, Prof. K.M. Shahidul Islam from Khaleda Zia Medical College, Dr. Ahmed Abu Saleh from BSMMU and Prof. Munir Hassan from National Medical College also deserve thanks for making this campaign a success.
I am very optimistic about the future of this campaign Let us serve the nation by reducing infections in healthcare setting irrespective of whether it belongs to private or government organization.
Prof. Zahidul Hasan,
President ICPPB
Consultant- Microbiology and Head, Infection Control Committee, Square Hospitals Ltd, Dhaka