• Email: info@icppbd.com
  • Phone: +88-01714218106

Chairman, Dept. of MI, BSMMU

  • homeChairman, Dept. of MI, BSMMU
  • Message: Chairman, Dept. of MI, BSMMU

    I congratulate all members of ICPPB for celebrating the completion of their 3 years of activities on infection control in healthcare settings.

    Now a days nosocomial infections have become a major threat for us. Methicilli resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria are responsible for increased mortality and morbidity. In addition to HIV/AIDS pandemic, we have also confronted several other newly emerging pathogens, such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), henipaviruses (Hendra and Nipah), and, bird flue during last decade.

    Though we do not have any well documented data in Bangladesh, the nosocomial infection rate in Southeast Asian countries is around 10% according to a WHO report. This is quite high in comparison to standard hospitals of western hemisphere where the infection rate is below 5%.

    Infection control in healthcare facilities has now become a burning issue throughout the world. Considering overwhelming infections in our hospitals I can assure that the initiatives taken by ICPPB is going to be one of the most important activities of the Microbiologists in the country.

    I wish them good luck and success in the future.

    Prof. Nazrul Islam
    Bangladesh Society of Medical Microbiologists, Dhaka Bangladesh